Capítulo 2A


    Vocabulary:  cap2a-vocabulario  

              Capítulo 2A vocabulary list from Realidades  (pdf) 




    Reflexive verbs:  cap2a-verbos-reflexivos  

             Reflexive verb study materials from the rest of the Internet:

             Someone else’s Spanish web page explanation:  Reflexive verbs 1    Reflexive verbs 2

             A Quizlet list – Cap. 2A reflexive verbs.  Use the list as flash cards or try the “Test” or the Match game.



     Posessives:  cap2a-posesivos

              Someone else’s explanation of Spanish possessive words: Possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su, etc.)  Possessive pronouns (el mío, la tuya, etc.)        


       Ser and estar: 

             A short (12 item) exercise: ¿Ser o estar?     A ser/estar activity from the text, Realidades

              Someone else’s explanation of ser and estar:    Ser – estar 1      Ser – estar 2