cap. 2b vocabulario: de compras (1)

Computer flash cards. 20 words. Works best with Firefox, but Internet Explorer will work if your popup blocker is turned off.

Click "next" to see the next word or to see what the word means. "Delete" words as you learn them; the words will repeat until you delete them. Sorry, the exercise doesn't remember your last session; you start fresh with all the words each time you load the exercise.
la entradathe entrance
la gangathe bargain, the deal
el letrerothe sign
la liquidaciónthe sale
el mercadothe market
la salidathe exit
color clarolight color
color oscurodark color
color vivobright color
¿De qué está hecho / hecha ?What's it made of?
Está hecho / hecha deIt's made of
tela sintéticasynthetic fabric
un precio altoa high price
un precio bajoa low price
la cajathe cash register
el cajero / la cajerathe cashier